Turning Back the Clock with Facelift Surgery in Beverly Hills

Have you started to notice changes when you look in the mirror each day? The aging process impacts us all in different ways, and you’re certainly not alone if you’ve noticed issues like sagging tissues, fine lines, or frustrating wrinkles beginning to take a toll on your youthful looks. Thankfully, Dr. Leif Rogers, MD, FACS is here to help with facelift surgery. The facelift is a cosmetic surgery procedure that is designed to improve the appearance of cosmetic issues related to aging of the face and neck by tightening the skin, removing excess fat, and repositioning underlying tissues. It is also known as rhytidectomy. Dr. Rogers’ extensive skill and deep well of surgical knowledge enables him to create exciting results that can expertly restore your youthful glow, turning back the clock and enabling you to show the world a younger, more alluring look. If you’d like to learn more about how facelift surgery can help you, our team is standing by. Simply reach out to Dr. Rogers’ Beverly Hills office and set up your initial consultation today.

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How the Facelift Can Help

Facelift surgery is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures performed today, thanks to its ability to expertly address some of life’s most common cosmetic frustrations. Facial aging impacts almost all of us, and Dr. Rogers will call upon his extensive training to customize your surgical plan in a way that sees you enjoying your ideal results. 

Some of the reasons our patients absolutely love facelift surgery include:

  • An improved appearance
  • Customizable results
  • Increased confidence
  • Complementary procedures
  • Long-lasting outcomes
  • Emotional benefits

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The Ideal Facelift Candidate

To qualify for a facelift, you should be a non-smoker or willing to quit smoking for a period of time before and after the surgery, as smoking can impair healing and increase the risk of complications. You should also be in good overall physical health, with no underlying medical conditions that could increase the risk of complications during or after surgery. Good skin elasticity is also important to ensure optimal results and a smoother recovery.

During your initial consultation with Dr. Rogers, he can help you decide whether or not facelift surgery is the ideal choice for you. He can also help you explore the various other surgical and non-surgical treatments we offer, as his extensive skill set often enables him to create customized treatment plans that include complementary procedures so you can enjoy a truly comprehensive restoration of your youthful glow.

The Day of Your Facelift Procedure

Facelift surgery is typically performed using general anesthesia, which means that you will be completely unconscious during your procedure. Dr. Rogers will thoroughly discuss your anesthesia options in advance of your actual procedure.

During your procedure, Dr. Rogers will make incisions in the skin around your ears, enabling him to lift and reposition the underlying tissues while removing any excess skin and fat. This creates a more youthful appearance, with smoother, tighter skin and a more defined jawline.

Most facelift procedures typically take around two to four hours to complete, but your experience will vary according to the details of your surgical plan. Dr. Rogers will help you understand exactly what to expect during your initial consultation.

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Your Rest, Recovery, and Results

Most patients are able to return to work and resume light activities within one to two weeks after the surgery, although more strenuous activities should be avoided for several weeks. Swelling, bruising, and discomfort are very common after facelift surgery, and Dr. Rogers will ensure that you’re given everything you need to remain as comfortable as possible. The healing process after a facelift is a gradual one, and Dr. Rogers will be sure to set a series of follow-up appointments to ensure that you’re healing properly. If you’d like to learn more about how the facelift can help you, reach out to Dr. Rogers’ Beverly Hills office and set up your initial consultation today.

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Facelift FAQs: 

When will I see the final results of my facelift?

How long do the results of a facelift last?

Can a facelift be combined with other procedures?

How do I choose the right surgeon for my facelift?

What can I do to maintain the results of my facelift?

When will I see the final results of my facelift?

While some results may be visible immediately after the procedure, final results typically emerge as swelling subsides and the tissues settle into their new position, which can take several weeks to months.

How long do the results of a facelift last?

The results of a facelift are long-lasting, but they do not stop the aging process. While the face will continue to age naturally over time, most patients enjoy the benefits of their facelift for 5 to 10 years or more.

Can a facelift be combined with other procedures?

Yes, a facelift can be combined with other facial rejuvenation procedures such as eyelid surgery, Brow lift, or non-surgical treatments like dermal fillers or Botox for enhanced results, depending on individual needs and goals.

How do I choose the right surgeon for my facelift?

It's crucial to choose a board-certified plastic surgeon with extensive experience in performing facelift procedures. Look for a surgeon who listens to your concerns, explains the procedure thoroughly, and provides personalized recommendations based on your unique anatomy and aesthetic goals.

What can I do to maintain the results of my facelift?

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, protecting your skin from sun damage, and following a skincare regimen recommended by your surgeon can help prolong the results of your facelift and keep your skin looking refreshed and youthful. Regular follow-up appointments with your surgeon are also essential for monitoring your progress and addressing any concerns.

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